A new vision! New Beginning! A new attitude!
In the project A new vision, New Beginning, A new attitude, a project funded by the European Union through lifelong learning Grundtvig program, the Rescue Foundation in partnership with Aiud Maximum Security Penitentiary, and with partner institutions from Turkey and France have had one last visit to the French city of Moulins , Allier region, between March 16 to 20.
There we visited several prisons, a courthouse, schools, social reinsertion center and a center of probation. I noticed similarities and differences to our system of justice. For several reasons, one of them being financial, they are trying when possible establishment of alternative sanctions, trying to avoid as much as possible incarceration. Such house arrest with electronic bracelet that cost budget only 3 euros per day per inmate, compared to 90 euros a day in prison. Note that 70 percent of penalties of up to two years in prison are given at home with electronic bracelet. Another concept generally applied is the the restorative punishment: the judge set a sum of money to be paid to the victim. I think these models deserve implemented in Romania both for the low costs but also for collateral benefits (family life, society etc)...
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West Ham football player at the Aiud Penitentiary
The Aiud Penitentiary's Maximum Security Penitentiary had a surprise visit from professional football players. They came from England and spent about ...
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 01:34