"No regrets"
April has continued with a special meeting for young people deprived of liberty in the Aiud High Security Penitentiary.
April has continued with a special meeting for young people deprived of liberty in the Aiud High Security Penitentiary.
In this regard, a group of young Christians from the Mănăştur Baptist Church, headed by Mr. Petrică Aghiorghiesei, held a meeting for 20 young detainees .
The meeting lasted 2 hours, during which a round table discussion was held on "No regrets" topic. At the end of the meeting, various cookies could be consumed and each participant received Christian literature, personal hygiene items and stamped envelopes.
We are thankful to God for the multitude of volunteers involved in penitentiary activity, and especially thank the young people of Manastur who constantly sacrifice time and resources for their fellows.
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Saturday, 18 January 2025 07:40