Starting with April 2014 we are holding the " Strong men in tough times " course with a group of 17 inmates from the Vaslui Penitentiary . The program is organized by the Humanitarian RESCUE Foundation through our collaborators Vaduva Marius, Hormuz Maricel, Viorel Crap, Neamţu Dumitru and Profir George.
The program takes the form of a study group, based on the book written by Edwin Luis Cole, entitled "Strong men in tough times” . The program follows the theme of the book, each chapter dealing with one important aspect in the life of any man who wants to succeed in life .
The topics covered in the book are:
I. The Challenge
II . The Ultimate Decision
III . My Brother's Keeper
IV. Daring Discipline
V. Men Mature
VI. The Great Rip-Off
VII. The Greatest Gift
VIII.Grit, Guts and Glory
IX. Scriptural Illiteracy
X. The Power of a Four-Letter Word
XI. Wake up, Dad!
XII. A Decade of Daring
XIII.Fellowship of the Unashamed
XIV.Final evaluation.
Each chapter will be studied once a week, allowing participants to have the necessary time to meditate on the chapter just read, and also the opportunity to express their frustrations and successes related to the topic.