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Assistance program for people addicted to alcohol

The program aims to achieve and maintain abstinence from alcohol addicts, providing material assistance consisting of clothing, shoes sanitary hygiene products, bedding and furniture pieces, offering a hot meal once a week.

Lord's Supper in Aiud Prison

On 8th May  with  Easter ocassion, Rescue Foundation with pastor Cristi PETRISOR and a group of volunteers from the Baptist Church No.1 Mănăştur went to Aiud Prison  at the Bible study group in the Maximum Security Section led to brother Raul Giura to give the Lord's Supper.

Conference "A day with Father" at Valea Draganului

Between 25th to 27th Rescue Foundation in collaboration with Romanian Christian Association  (ABC) and Romania Prison Administration, Timisoara Prison has organized the conference of presenting the program "A day with Father".

The course " Strong men in tough times " in Vaslui Penitentiary

Starting with April 2014 we are holding the " Strong men in tough times " course with a group of 17 inmates from the Vaslui Penitentiary . The program is organized by the Humanitarian RESCUE Foundation through our collaborators Vaduva Marius, Hormuz Maricel, Viorel Crap, Neamţu Dumitru and Profir George.

The program takes the form of a study group, based on the book written by Edwin Luis Cole, entitled "Strong men in tough times” . The program follows the theme of the book, each chapter dealing with one important aspect in the life of any man who wants to succeed in life .

The course "Courage" in Aiud Prison

Starting in June 2014 Rescue Humanitarian Foundation in collaboration with the Christian Men Association  and volunteers Giura Raul and Isaac Lawrence runs in  Aiud Prison course entitled "Courage" with a group of 15 inmates. The course is based on the book of the same name, written by Ed Cole.

Meeting with families of imprisoned women in Cluj Napoca Prison

In the project Magdalena Released from Shame, held in Gherla  Prison, Cluj-Napoca Section, on September 29 we organised a meeting with families in order to encourage positive change in their lives and help reintegration into family and society.

Workshop in prison

Rescue Foundation along with volunteers from Zalau and Jibou in collaboration with Prison Tg. Mures , performs during October -December , a social project with the objective of helping a family in need.

  • Love in Christ

    My dear brothers and sisters, Grace and peace from our Heavenly Father to the whole church. We thank God that He answered our wish and prayer, and our meeting was possible. God knows we need messengers like you, that are willing to share His great and unfailing love.
  • I want the Bible to be the compass of my heart

    I will start by writing this testimony, that on this side of the correspondence there is a man who has done wrong by earthly laws, a man who is paying with 9 years of his freedom, a man who is accused of sinning greatly, a man (if he can still be called that) who is still asking in all humility for forgiveness and salvation, a man who is seeking peace with God.
  • I know the Word of God but I wish I know it better, to think about it and receive it in my soul

    Every time the danish group visit us I feel a great joy. I would like to correspond with some of you and discuss about life, destiny and of course about our faith in Jesus Christ. I am 31 years old, and when I was 16, my life took on a wrong way.
  • What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?

    Thank you for sustaining and for encouraging me through the biblical courses you had . Not so long time ago I was interned in Colibasi Penitentiary, but I've never doubted the Word of God, because I knew that God was all the time with me, and when I prayed I gave him thanks for everything.
  • My sinful soul rejoice when it got to know God

    I met you, in a place called “hell” and my sinful soul rejoiced when it got to know God and hear of His Love for humans, and of His great sacrifice -the only beloved Son. If God made this sacrifice for all people, my answer is that I want to be like you, not to be ashamed of myself, to become a child of God, to return Home to my Father, and to do what He wanted me to do.
  • He made from me a new man

    Blessed be our Good God because He takes care of the siners like me, who searches Him and finds Him.The biblic course that I made by correspondence with you made me very interested in the Word of God and it made from me, what I didn't expect to do, he made from me a “new man”.